Truckee Railyard

The Railyard Project redeveloped approximately fifty acres of land historically occupied by the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and the old lumber mill creating an eastern extension of Downtown Truckee including residential, retail, movie theatre, and restaurants.
Project Elements
Utility Coordination
Sanitary Sewer Design
Storm Sewer Design
Water Main Design
Natural Gas Utility Coordination
Electric Utility Coordination
Communication Utility Coordination
Project Description
Eastern Sierra Engineering provided professional design services to Holliday Development for the Truckee Railyard. The Railyard Project redeveloped approximately fifty acres of land historically occupied by the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and the old lumber mill creating an eastern extension of Downtown Truckee including residential, retail, movie theatre, and restaurants. Donner Pass Road was realigned to create a rectangular city block structure. Church Street was extended to the east across the balloon tracks serving as the main access and utility corridor for the project. Utility infrastructure included Sewer (Truckee Sewer District), Water (TDPUD), Storm Drain (Town), Electric (TDPUD, NV Energy & Liberty Utilities), Communications (AT&T and Suddenlink), and Gas (Southwest Gas).
Limited utility infrastructure existed on Church Street east of Donner Pass Road for a few residences and businesses consisting of an old 10” steel water line, and an 8” “backyard” sanitary sewer main. The sanitary sewer was located north of Church Street in an easement on various private properties and under existing buildings. Preliminary design of the sewer and water facilities concluded a new connection under UPRR mainline tracks to East River Street for both sewer and water was required for build-out.
The water system for the development consists of a twelve-inch water main within Church Street to the eastern side of the balloon track and an eight-inch water main looped south through a bore underneath UPRR mainline tracks to a water main in East River Street. To the west on Donner Pass Road, the water system was connected to the high-pressure zone through a pressure reducing station, providing adequate fire storage for the proposed structures.
A system of eight-inch water main loops off of the twelve-inch main serve each block with fire protection and a 10” steel water main in Church Street was abandoned and a new 12” water main was installed. The water system included construction of 142 foot long 54 inch diameter steel bore underneath UPRR mainline tracks to the water main in East River Street.
The development proposed eight and ten-inch sewer lines within the Church Street Extension. Preliminary analysis determined the sewer line in East River Street did not have the capacity to serve full build-out of the development and the eastern portion of the development would require a pump station to utilize the current sewer UPRR mainline crossing. It was determined that a new bore crossing on the eastern end of the project would accommodate full project build-out and reduce the length of capacity improvements required in East River Street. The water and sewer were accommodated within the same bore casing.