Dresslerville Road Improvements
ESE provided civil engineering design, construction management, full-time inspection and materials testing services associated with the Dresslerville Road Reconstruction Project.
Project Elements
Civil Engineering Design
Pavement Design
Utility Coordination
Final Design
Geotechnical Investigation
Bidding Assistance
Construction Support
Project Description
The project consisted of the rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of Dresslerville Road from Highway 756 to Riverview Drive (approximately 7,400 feet). ESE’s scope of work included survey, civil roadway design, utility coordination, geotechnical investigation, pavement design, final design plans and specifications, bidding assistance and engineering services during construction.
The project included widening the existing roadway from approximately 24 feet to a total of 34 feet (two 12’ lanes and two 5’ bike lanes). Pavement reconstruction used in-place pulverization, cement treated base followed by new hot mix asphalt pavement. Additional roadway improvements included culvert removal/extensions, PCC curb & gutter, bike lane striping and superelevation correction in curves.